Bedfordshire Police
Monthly crime reports for Hockliffe Parish are produced by Bedfordshire Police on a regular basis and their website provides the latest information available on crime in this area.
By clicking on the Monthly Crime Report’ button, the latest crime report will be displayed in a new window.
You are advised to visit the Bedfordshire Police website for up-to-date details.
All incidents can be reported online by visiting –
Emergency number: 999
Non-Emergency number: 101
The contact details for our local Community Support Officer are shown below:
Contact: Bethany Burdass – Police Constable 101
Community Policing Team | Leighton Buzzard
Office: 01525 473 438
Mobile: 07913 519 040
Website: Bedfordshire Police
Interested in Street Watch?
For further information or to join Street Watch, please email our Watch Schemes Team.
Please note: we do need to put volunteers through vetting.