Speed camera safety boost for A5 through Hockliffe

National Highways is set to give a busy stretch of the A5 through Hockliffe, in Bedfordshire, a safety boost after confirming plans to install four digital average speed cameras in the village.

The work is expected to begin early next year and be completed by late spring 2023. The cameras will cover the full extent of the existing 30mph speed limit through the village.

Martin Fellows, National Highways Regional Director, said:

“Safety is National Highways top priority, and this investment into the A5 through Hockliffe will help to improve safety on this stretch of the Strategic Road Network. The installation of the cameras will also assist greatly with reducing the impact of poor speed compliance for our customers who live adjacent to the road.”

National Highways has been gathering insight from drivers, local residents, businesses and stakeholders to help shape improvements that could be made to the strategic road network and bring most benefits to all.

Stephen O’Keeffe, Chief Inspector Lead for Roads Policing Bedfordshire Police, said:

“Speed is a significant contributor to collisions involving death or serious injury and there is an absolute responsibly on drivers to adhere to speed limits to keep themselves and other road users safe. I welcome this initiative by colleagues from National Highways to compliment enforcement and education work completed by my team of police officers, who are active in the area both in marked and unmarked police vehicles.”

Rob Scott, Chair to Hockliffe Parish Council, said:

“After many years of working in partnership with National Highways, our MP, the police, our Ward Councillor and local residents, the Parish Council is delighted to hear that the much-needed average speed cameras have been given the green light. We believe this will make a huge improvement to the lives of residents by ensuring that traffic stays within the speed limit.”

Andrew Selous, MP for South West Bedfordshire, said:

“We all have a duty to obey the speed limit. Speeding is dangerous and causes death and serious injuries and it also causes misery for Hockliffe residents from the noise and vibrations. These new average speed limits are very welcome indeed and will make a big difference to Hockliffe residents.”

This project is one of 80 maintenance and improvement schemes that National Highways will deliver across the region this year. The A5 Hockliffe scheme is part of the National Highways £200 million investment into maintaining and improving the East of England’s major A roads and motorways in 2022/23, keeping journeys moving and reducing the risk of future unplanned, disruptive maintenance work.

Well-known motorways and major A roads including the M11, A14, A1, A47 and A12 are all included in the planned package.

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