
Hockliffe Parish Council (HPC) will treat requests for memorial benches, picnic tables and trees in public spaces sympathetically.

The guiding principles for decisions will be:

  • The memorial must be of benefit to all users of the public space.
  • The next of kin of the person memorialised must give written consent.
  • The memorial must be on land owned or managed by HPC.
  • The memorial and any plaque attached thereto must not be offensive.
  • There must be an agreement in place for maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement.
  • HPC will not grant applications for memorials to pets.


To ensure there is a clear, consistent, sympathetic and fair approach to the management of our open spaces and that the needs of all users are taken into account.

Ensure all memorial items on HPC’s land are safe and suitable for the location.

To establish responsibility for maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of any memorial.


HPC cannot guarantee a location for a memorial but will liaise with the applicant to see if a suitable location can be agreed. The following are potential memorial locations managed by HPC: –

  • The Recreation Ground in Kilby Road
  • The Cemetery

HPC will assist a resident in installing a memorial on public land not owned by them. The landowner will make the final decisions.


Whilst all applications will be considered, memorials will generally be confined to benches, picnic tables, trees and plaques.

They must be positioned to maximise the use, benefit and development of the chosen location.

Whilst there are no specific rules, the standard and design of any memorial, or the potential size and shape of any tree, must be subject to consideration and approval by the full Parish Council. Safety of users will be a prime consideration and a risk assessment may be necessary.

The planting of trees can only be carried out between November and March to ensure the most efficient growing conditions.

HPC may refuse applications they deem unsafe, offensive, of poor quality, or not beneficial to all.

Method, Terms & Conditions

This policy will be made available to the public via the parish council’s website.

The attached Application Form must be completed and submitted to the Parish Clerk.

The Clerk, or a lead councillor, will be appointed to liaise with the applicant and report options to a HPC meeting. Final decisions must be made by the Parish Council by way of a minuted resolution.

Written agreements will then be prepared for the next of kin and the applicant.

Once agreement is reached, the preferred method would be for HPC to arrange installation following receipt of appropriate funds from the proposer. Should an applicant wish to make their own arrangements, the HPC must be fully involved to ensure appropriate timing and safe management of the process.

Once installed, the HPC will adopt responsibility for maintenance and repair in accordance with the prior written agreement.

HPC reserves the right to remove any memorial or tree it considers has become unsafe, unsightly or incapable of repair.  In such circumstances, HPC does not accept responsibility for replacement but will liaise with the applicant and next of kin where possible.

HPC accepts no liability for damage to any bench, picnic table, tree, plaque or other memorial from vandals, third parties or whilst local routine maintenance is carried out.

Except in the cemetery, no additional mementoes such as vases, statues or other ornamentation will be permitted on or around any memorial or tree. For safety reasons, these will be removed without reference to the original applicant or next of kin.

This policy will be reviewed every 4 years or earlier if circumstances dictate.


First Published on 24th May 2023
Next review date – May 2027