Open Spaces Risk Assessment

Open Spaces Risk Assessment

Hockliffe Cemetery, St Nicholas Church Cemetery, Kilby Road Recreation Ground, Village Green and various Parish Council assets throughout Hockliffe.

This document is reviewed quarterly.

Last approved at the Parish Council Meeting on 6th March 2023
HazardPeople at riskControlRisk levelAudited: 14th March 2022
Paths in cemeteries – slips /tripsPublic /employees.• Visual inspections by Groundsman. PC members encouraged to report slip /trip hazards to Parish Clerk.
• Prompt response to observed hazards.
• Hazards to be marked by signs /cones and roped off if required.
• Damage repaired as soon as possible if a Health & Safety hazard.
• Quarterly inspection by Cemetery Clerk.
• Main footpaths gritted in icy conditions.
• Leaves swept and cleared away in autumn.
LowNo risks seen.
Grass areas – potholes, broken glass and litterPublic /employees.• Grass areas inspected when grass is cut, and holes backfilled.
• Any reports of broken glass to be responded to quickly and hazard marked until cleared.
• Pest Controller to monitor more frequently if there is a significant increase in mole activity.
LowNo risks seen.
Trees – falling branches, trees fallingDamage to people or property.• Annual inspection and maintenance if required.
• Groundsman to keep eyes open and reports any signs of damage.
• PC members /public encouraged to report damaged trees.
• Clear notice at each site explaining how to report concerns.
LowWork from Tree Survey comleted as recommended - this was done in August 2021.
Fixed furniture e.g. benches and park equipment, litter and dog bins, bus shelters and flower plantersInjury to public.• Benches, goalposts and equipment are securely fixed to the ground and in a safe condition.
• Regular checks by Safety Contractors.
• Visual checks by a groundsman.
• Any damage which is reported is repaired promptly or notified to CBC in the case of dog bins
• Visual checks by PC members.
• Litter bins firmly fixed and inspected visually when emptied.
LowAll assets checked. Work in the park now completed.
Posts / markers /low fences/headstones etc.Possible risk of falling objects injuring public and /or employees.
Trip hazards.
• Ensure all objects are firmly fixed.
• Headstone topple tests to be carried out by Parish Clerk and loose headstones laid down.
• Annual check by Cemtery Clerk and PC member.
• Repairs to be arranged where required.
LowAnnual headstone test completed in August 2021 for both the Parish and Church cemetery. No reportable issues. No other issues found in this area.
Walls /fencesInjury to public and /or employees due to poor maintenance.• Visual checks by Groundsman.
• Hazards to be marked by signs /cones.
• Signs to inform the public how to report defects.
• Quarterly inspection by a PC member.
• Rapid response when repairs need doing.
LowNo issues found.
GatesInjury to public /employees, especially hand /finger.• Gates checked quarterly by PC member – looking specifically at catches /latches.
• Groundsman carries out visual checks.
LowNo issues found.
Inadequate lightingTrips /falls.• Ensure lighting on all all-weather courts and well-used paths /areas are in working order.
• Ensure public knows how to report lights that are not in working order.
LowNo lighting to check.
Dog FoulingPublic /employees.• Educate the public through social media and signage.LowBetter signage is being arranged.
Drug useInjury to Public /employees from sharps.• Employees advised not to deal with sharps unless they use appropriate safety equipment.
• Prompt response to reports of sharps by public.
• Police to be informed.
LowChecked and could find no evidence of sharps (for example needles).
Defibrillators not workingPublic - possibility of death.Checked every month by Clerk.MediumChecked - all durables up to date.