We are currently recruiting for another Councillor to join the Parish Council here in Hockliffe. For more information, you can visit 'Becoming a Councillor' on this website.
Welcome to the News Archive
This is where you can find articles that are no longer current.Letters to Loved Ones Postbox
Visitors to Hockliffe cemetery will notice that a white post box has been installed close to the bench in the centre. Having responsibility for the cemetery, the Parish Council wanted to help bereaved children and families with their grief by providing a unique...
Would all residents please note that some resurfacing work will be taking place in the Kilby Road Recreation Ground this week and next week, as follows: - Thursday 14th September Contractors will be spraying the weeds in the car park surface as it is necessary to kill...
CBC highways reporting system – Updated
Good news, we have updated our highways reporting system, so you can now report fly-tipping using the FixMyStreet app. We’ve been using FixMyStreet since 2021 to manage reports about local issues, including potholes, broken streetlights, and blocked drains. It works...
An update on the A5 Traffic Petition
"Following an appeal by the Parish Council, a number of community volunteers kindly came forward to help canvas residents for signatures. A briefing was provided to those volunteers able to attend an extraordinary meeting on Friday 28th July. There are strict rules...
Petition – A5 Traffic Volume
PETITION – A5 TRAFFIC VOLUME ++ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ++ The Parish Council is seeking 4 or 5 volunteers to assist with obtaining signatures from Hockliffe residents and business owners in support of a petition concerning the effects of the growing volume of A5 traffic...
Speed camera safety boost for A5 through Hockliffe
National Highways is set to give a busy stretch of the A5 through Hockliffe, in Bedfordshire, a safety boost after confirming plans to install four digital average speed cameras in the village. The work is expected to begin early next year and be completed...
What is the Hillersdon Trust
What is Hillersdon Trust? From time to time, the Parish Council is asked to clarify exactly what the Trust is all about... We now have a page on our Website describing this in more detail thanks to Julia Dickens, Trustee -...
Update to the Local Plan
Update to the Local Plan CBC has recently made changes to its Local Plan following the hearings last year. So far as Hockliffe is concerned, they have dropped all three of their proposed sites from the Plan (i.e. the site north of the village near the school, the site...